miercuri, 12 decembrie 2012

Ce s-a intamplat cu balsamul Lenor?

Am scris o scrisoare catre Procter&Gamble - cei care fac balsamul Lenor:

Good day,

Mu name is Cristian, I use Lenor product since... I don't remember another similar product (brand) in my home.
I usually buy large packages, sometimes two of large packages. :-)

Now, my Lenor bottles were empty and I went to the shop to buy another ones.
My favourite Lenor flavor is "Tropical fresh" and I also use lavender (named Relaxed)  for sheets.

My e-mail today is because I want to ask:
You are not using the same flavour and this is not ok.
You said "fresh" on the bottle but the flavour is TOO sweet now!

Please check the recipe for this new product:  code 92224706 S542 and please compare it with the old recipe of the same product (the same name "Tropical fresh"): code 99778006 S542.

Even the bottles are not in the same green tint! (check the photo)

Come on! I founded a best product for me and now you change the flavour?

Un comentariu:

Ioana Gînju spunea...

unul dintre cele mai bune posturi pe acest an. Un an bun, cu sanatate!