miercuri, 19 octombrie 2011

Illustrator - Collect for output

Am testat si MERGE!!!! SUPER, de mult cautam asa ceva... si era acolo!

De fapt, EXISTA un "collect for output" pentru Illustrator, şi s-a instalat cu softul, desi e greu de gasit. Puteti sa-mi multumiti mai târziu. Iată cum se face:
Du-te în folderul Illustrator de pe computer, deschideţi folderul Scripting, deschideţi folderul Sample Scripts, deschideţi folderul AppleScript (apropo, aceasta este pe un Mac), şi apoi deschideţi folderul Collect for Output.
In acest folder îngropat veţi găsi CollectForOutput.scpt.
Dlublu click si puteti rula orice fisier prin acest script, el vaface pachet cu toate linkurile prezente (ca in InDesign).

There actually IS a collect for output for Illustrator, and it DID get installed with the program, although it is hard to find. You can thank me later. Here is how to do it:
Go into the Illustrator folder on your computer, open the Scripting folder, open the Sample Scripts folder, open the AppleScript folder (by the way, this is on a Mac), and then open the Collect for Output folder. Inside this buried folder you will find CollectForOutput.scpt. Drop any file onto this script and it will package all the links for you.

Citita AICI.

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